Decimal to Fraction Calculator
Easily convert decimals to fractions with our user-friendly Decimal to Fraction Conversion Calculator. Convert decimals into fractions easily!
Enter Decimal
How to Use Decimal to Fraction Calculator?
Enter the decimal you wish to convert and click "Convert to Fraction" to get the fraction result. Use the "Clear" button to reset the fields.
What is Decimal to Fraction Calculator?
This Decimal to Fraction converter helps you convert decimal numbers into fractions, which is very useful for students, teachers, and anyone who needs quick conversions. This conversion is useful in various mathematical applications, such as simplifying calculations, understanding ratios.
How It Works and Example
The calculator takes the decimal, determines its place value, and converts it to a fraction. For example, 0.75 becomes 75/100, which simplifies to 3/4.
What is the Decimal to Fraction Formula?
The formula is: Fraction = Decimal × (10^n) / (10^n), where n is the number of decimal places. Simplify the fraction if possible.
Benefits of Decimal to Fraction Calculator
- Saves time with instant conversions.
- Helps with math homework and academic needs.
- Provides accurate and simplified results.
- Easy to use for all age groups.
- Mobile-responsive design for on-the-go use.
- Useful for everyday calculations in finance and education.